Writing a book, regardless of topic, creates an intimate or personal experience between its author and reader. Sometimes this experience transcends the ordinary to become something of great value, beauty and importance. It is the author’s responsibility to make this possible and it starts with knowing what the “central message” of the book is. The central message is different than the subject, genre or purpose of the book. It is at the core of the author’s need to create his book in the first place. It is much more about feeling than doing. It is more than a marketing slogan; it is more like a mutual need or sharing between the author and her audience. It is where the two come together in common purpose.

book pileThe central message could become the theme of an entire lifetime of books written by an author or could be the core of only one.
So, here’s some points about “central message”

  • it resides in your heart rather than brain
  • you talk about the message beyond the idea of writing a book
  • it represents something in your personal philosophy
  • you feel excited when you think about it
  • it is what is behind your purpose, the book’s purpose, the title, etc.
  • “central message”  wakes you in the middle of the night with a new thought or sentence

It is this “central message” that sets your book apart from others on the shelf. For instance, you might be writing about how to make simple electrical repairs around the house. Your real mission or message is that the average householder has the ability to effect these repairs. In addition to the instructional function, you spend time in your book encouraging your reader to attempt the repair. You are more than a “how-to-er,” you are also a cheerleader and encourager. You are passionate about the ability of your reader to be successful in this endeavor and you show it.

I feel the same way with this blog – my central message is to encourage readers like yourself to put aside their fears and write it anyway. There are incredible opportunities in this golden age of writing and I absolutely believe that you can create the book you have dreamed about. In other words, it is about much more than step-by-step instructions, details and technicalities – “central message” represents an emotional touch point that the author/creator wants to share with people around him.

It is the starting point of any book that seeks to rise above the everyday idea of how to accomplish a task. It goes beyond facts, process and instruction to guide both the author and reader toward a mutual sharing of mission.