Ancestry is an important element of our personal history but we sometimes forget that we are ancestors to our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Life is a never ending circle of events, people, circumstances, good decisions, bad decisions, big ideas, small steps, dreams and disappointments. Your part in this dance of life is important to those that follow. If you haven’t started already, scroll back to part 1 and begin your own life journal because history is much more than just a series of dates and events, it is about you and your relationship to your world. In keeping with your world, let’s see what happened while you inhabited the

During your lifetime to date, what are the five most dramatic events that occurred in the world (9/11, Berlin Wall, WWII, Vietnam, Woodstock, Aids, Internet, casual Fridays, landing on the moon, assassinations, civil wars, climate change)?

Describe how you were influenced by these events. Did they change your thoughts, feelings, actions or life in any way?

Are there any other historical events that have had an influence on you and the people around you?

Who is the current leader of your country?

What are the important domestic issues facing your country right now?

What international political events are unfolding as you write this journal?

In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing humanity as you create this life journal?

Is technology an important part of your daily life? Describe how technology influences your daily activities (remember, this will all sound so quaint and archaic in a few decades).

What is your biggest pet peeve as you observe the world and people around you?

If you ruled the planet, what is the first change you would make?

Name five of the biggest entertainment names in the news right now.

What is your favorite sport and who are the major names in it?

Describe the largest public (sporting, political, entertainment, etc) event that you have ever attended.

Did you ever participate in some sort of leadership position in a significant public event, what was it and what was your role?

What are the most common sources of information today?

Where did you find information when you were a child and where do you expect future generations to find their information?

What is the population of the planet at this time and what was it when you were born?

What is the biggest influence on your happiness?

We are nearing the end of your personal history templates and so I encourage you to get started or at the very least, return to the first one and print each segment.  I will be creating a public program in the new year for which I will charge, so the free edition will cease in the near future. I would appreciate any feedback on your experience in creating a personal memoir or Legacy Biography. Is there something I should delete or add to make it better? I really do value the comments that you have made so far and I hope that this series is giving you a project that brings meaning and purpose to your life.