Make your highest purpose a reality. Sometimes it seems like that is a world far away. Everyone has days that are flat and unmotivated from time to time. No matter how energetic and focused you are, there will be some days when you’re just not feeling the vibe.

You can give your motivation a kick-start by revisiting your life’s purpose. You don’t necessarily need to do a course or an online quiz or take yourself off to motivation boot camp. In fact, you don’t need to do a bunch of things to get back on track. You just need to do one simple thing.

If you’re really in the doldrums, you need to pick yourself up and take a big step out of your comfort zone.

The Ins and Outs of Your Comfort Zone

Most people stay in their comfort zone for a perfectly good reason – it’s comfortable! It feels good to be surrounded by like-minded people who don’t challenge your view of the world.

Your comfort zone is a cosy place. Online or in the real world, your comfort zone is full of messages that reinforce the status quo. We have all heard people say it’s okay to miss your gym session or to be a couch potato. Everyone is sitting at home, eating tacos or popcorn.

Staying in your comfort cocoon is a one-way street to not taking on any challenges, not growing, not developing, or achieving. Comfort zone living encourages procrastination. When someone disagrees with you, it’s common to get defensive and retreat into a shell. We seek safety and comfort instead of rising to the challenge and moving into possibility.

The Benefits of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

When you decide to step outside your comfort zone, sure it might feel a little scary, but the benefits soon outweigh the fears.

You can see that trying different things will stretch you and help you become a better person. Challenges can lead to success, which can lead to you achieving things you would never have dreamed of.

And you can begin dreaming bigger and better dreams—your attitude toward success changes. Suddenly you know you can do it. You can see your deep desires becoming a reality.

Your Life’s Purpose Lies Outside Your Comfort Zone

Having more confidence in your capabilities means you can look around and see what your life’s purpose is. And guaranteed, it’s not likely to be binge-watching a Netflix program!

With one simple decision, you leave your own personal safety bubble and see the world from a different perspective. You can see how what you do in your life can help to make the world a better place. That whatever you do affects other people.

You can make a difference to yourself and the world once you step out of your comfort zone and start living with meaning and purpose. To make our highest purpose a reality, it’s important to remember that stepping out of our cocoon requires more than simply thinking about it – it requires taking action.

The creation of PURPOSE in our lives could be the most important task any of us decide to create. There is more information available here. The quiet time needed to reflect and allow the answers to come forward can best be supported with a few minutes of meditation. Not sure how to start meditating? Look here.


Living with amazing purpose is possible for each of us. Here are 6 steps to help get there. Finding your purpose in life can turn everything around by making life more meaningful. Purpose gives us a reason to jump out of bed with hope in the morning instead of grumbling our way to the coffeepot.

Living with purpose helps to make the tough times easier to deal with, and the good times even better.

1. Know Your Beliefs

Living with amazing purpose starts with understanding your own personal system of values and beliefs. What is important to you? What really matters?

When you understand your beliefs, you can live by sticking to what is really important in your moral universe. You have an inbuilt list that you can use to guide the way you make decisions and priorities. It is the bedrock of integrity and how others will judge you. Respect and trust flows from living in alignment with your beliefs.

2. Get Clarity on Your Priorities

Your purpose shapes your priorities. Once you know your life’s purpose, it becomes easier to work out what you want to do and how to achieve your goals. This clarity means that saying no to some things and a hearty yes to others becomes more natural, and you’ll get ahead much faster.

Clarity of priorities becomes a filter through which we make the best decisions.

3. Aim For Balance

Once you’re comfortable with your life purpose, some of the striving and anxiety of life can ease off. You don’t have to work 24/7. You know how important it is to stay healthy, emotionally, and physically. People living with purpose connect with the people they love, and they don’t forget about self-care.

4. Follow Your Passion

Knowing your passion will help you find and nurture your purpose. Passion means energy and motivation; it means being really engaged with life and focusing on getting the most out of it. A new day is full of opportunities and promise, and you’re ready to go for it!

5. Feel your Contentment

This might sound a little surprising, but living a purposeful life gives you time to smell the roses. Knowing your life purpose takes the anxious edge off things and allows you to feel grateful for where you are now, as well as excited for the future.

6. Live in the Present

Perhaps the best gift of a life of purpose is that you relish every moment. There’s no room in your life for regret because everything you do is part of the big adventure. Challenges and setbacks become easier to ride out because you’re not letting failure define you. Being plugged into the present allows you to feel the abundance that’s already in your life.

The search for purpose can sometimes be a tricky ride. How do we know if what we are thinking about is really “purpose” or just wishful thinking? Can our purpose change with time and circumstances? Is purpose a goal or a way of living?

This series about “purpose” explores many aspects and you can see them here and here.

One of my favorite sources of inspiration about the questions of life is Brendon Burchard and my favorite book is THE MOTIVATION MANIFESTO. You can get it here.

We have the gift of freedom. Freedom to make choices based on principles like our own moral compass. Attached to that is the freedom to choose our purpose. It requires a few minutes of quiet time to reflect and acknowledge our inner force. We know what is right and what is wrong for ourselves. Using this power, we can adapt and choose our path or create our amazing purpose.



Build an Amazing Life on Purpose

You can build an amazing life on purpose. Maybe you’re working hard to achieve your dream life. Perhaps you’re an entrepreneur, or aiming for promotion, or trying to get your business off the ground. You might even be retired and trying to figure out what your purpose is now. If you’re finding success elusive, maybe you need to find your life’s purpose to lift you above the pack and change your mindset from struggle to success. It’s entirely possible that the purpose of your life has changed.

Finding your purpose is like finding a magic key to help you align everything you do and allows you to focus on getting to your best life now. Here are five steps to help set you in the right direction.

I accomplish all of the things I set my mind to


Too many people look to others for the answers. Too many people follow a path that’s not their path. Only you can know what your dream life looks like. The definition of your life’s purpose lies deep within you. All you have to do is tune into it. Journaling can be a helpful tool to allow your subconscious to speak your truth. Or meditation, or brainstorming. The important thing is that you look into your own heart.


Learn to trust that inner voice that often tells you that the conventional way of doing things may not be right for you. Whether it’s getting a college degree, following a famous spiritual guru, or obeying all the rules, if it doesn’t feel right, you don’t have to do it! Find your own way of living your life, and you’ll be much more likely to feel content and to be successful. Get to know who you are rather than getting to know what other people think.


Many people choose to live safe, conventional lives, too afraid to do things differently or to take a chance. They shouldn’t feel surprised if their lives are less than they could be. They experience a sense of longing that sometimes feels like failure. We all have a fear of the unknown, but we can choose to face our fears and to lean in to it and meet new challenges head-on.

Deciding to live your own life according to your values and your passion means being able to look fear in the face and step out of your comfort zone. Many people will say, “what if something goes wrong?” but we can choose to say, “what if it goes right?”


It’s easy to become a slave to the never-ending checklist of things you need to do before you can live your purpose. On your list, what is moving you forward and what is just marking time? There is no prize for having a long to-do list, especially if most of the items are “make busy” things. You only get one shot at life.

Have a look at your current list of tasks. How many of them will move you closer to living your best life? How many can you just scrub out or delegate to someone else? Some of us might ask, why does house cleaning, reading emails and Facebook come before the search for meaning and purpose?


Maybe the most important thing to know is that you don’t need expensive courses or workshops, or the right suit or car. You already have everything you need to start living your life’s purpose. It’s all within you. What really matters is what you do about it.

It’s time to build your own amazing life based on purpose. And today is the best time to start!