Yesterday, I mentioned that I would share something today about grandparents. Quite some time ago, I posted a series dedicated to creating a biography of information for future generations. I keep planning to generate an actual journal, perhaps a fillable PDF, an audio or digital version of the same thing, but haven’t done it yet.

Because I have been too lazy to create that, you can still access the free information postings on this website when you sign up to receive my random bits of wisdom and inspiration. I will create a link to that in my next post – tomorrow. Sign up now – and share please.

1-   Listen to your Grandparents’ Stories:

Asking your grandparents or parents about their past can be a great way to get them talking! Perhaps your grandfather was drafted in the war, or your grandmother was on the front line treating soldiers in a medical camp. This can make for a fascinating chat  and will be something for you to cherish when they pass on. While you’re at it why not start a family tree and have a lasting family record to pass down to future generations.

2-   Pick Up a New Hobby:

It’s unfortunate that our regular routines don’t leave us with much room to explore our personalities. Perhaps this is the perfect time to start doing something we always wanted to try. Be it painting, knitting, crochet, jewelry making, writing; there will be no better time to try them out. If you are self isolating with others why not think about one thing you can teach each other?

3-   Self-Reflect:

Very few of us find time to do yoga or meditate in our busy lives. But maybe this time period can be utilized to self-reflect and contemplate our lives. Set an hour every morning to spend on the balcony or in the garden to meditate and engage in some yoga to keep yourself feeling fresh and happy. You can find many sources of meditation audios online.

4-   Pray:

If you are a spiritual person or believe in God, this time could come in handy. Many people, due to busy schedules, start feeling disconnected to their spirituality so this might be a good time to get on your knees and try to reconnect with your beliefs and your creator.

5-   De-Stress:

The current circumstances have left us all feeling anxious. Engaging in some breathing exercises or meditation to calm the nerves will help ease the stress. Keep yourself calm during this time and take part in activities that relax you to keep the panic from spreading…yoga, tai chi, mindfulness. Maybe we can’t stop Corona, but we can sure combat stress.

One way that helps with stress is a deep breathing exercise. Close your eyes, slowly breath in through your mouth and bring that full breath right down to the pit of your stomach and hold it for a 3 count. Then, just as slowly, breath out through your mouth and think about exhaling all the toxins and negative feelings from your body. Do this for a couple of minutes whenever you feel the need to relax.

6-   Become a Plant-Parent:

We’ve all probably bought a plant at some point in our lives that has eventually died of neglect or lack of care. Well, this is the time to work on your parenting skills! Maybe bringing a child into the world right now would not be smart, but that shouldn’t stop you from adopting a plant or two. Find your inner green thumb and get gardening to keep yourself busy in self-isolation. 

7-   Start a Vegetable Garden:

Maybe you can’t go out to purchase a new seed or plant, but everyone has vegetables or fruits at the house to eat. Collecting their seeds and planting them in your garden, flower pot or window box could give you a start to your vegetable garden that can actually be quite successful and give you fresh produce in the next few months.

8-   Spend Time with Your Pets:

If there’s one being that does not mind all the time you spend at home it’s probably your pet. Maybe your cat is not so bothered but your dog is probably having the time of their life. Take this time to play with your pets as much as you can, give them some love, and just be busy keeping them happy!

9-   Teach your Pet Tricks:

While you are stuck at home with your pets, why not take the time to teach them a new trick. Most animals are smarter than we think. Teach your dog, cat, or even hamster to shake hands, rollover, or any other interesting trick. Who knows, once quarantine is over you might be applying to a TV talent show!

10-   Read a Book:

There’s always a book we’ve all been meaning to read and have had on our shelf for the longest time. You can finally get around to reading it now. This will be the perfect way to keep your mind stimulated and your mental health in balance. Why not get a group of your friends together for an online book club or just swap suggestions of books that each of you have enjoyed. Of course, I could point to the top of this page and suggest “Bob’s Books” as a starting point.

11-   Try a Magazine:

Maybe a long novel is not the ideal reading material for you. If you prefer something lighter and shorter you can try reading a magazine. We all have old magazines around and any form of reading is enough to keep you mentally active.

12-   Give Audiobooks a Go:

Maybe reading is not your cup of tea, but that does not mean you don’t get to enjoy some exciting stories or knowledge. The internet is a sea of information and it’s so easy to get your hands on an audiobook these days. Listening to an audiobook can also help you multitask, or relax while you’re trying to go to sleep.

13-  Freelance and Earn from Home:

This could be the best time for you to earn some extra cash on the side. Keep your savings untouched and try to get through this time by earning as a freelancer. There are plenty of freelancing jobs available on the internet including writing, designing, proof reading, recording audio-books, and if you have a great voice, doing voice-overs. Try looking at gigs on to get ideas of what you could offer. Then google how to get started successfully.

14-  Try a New Recipe:

Whether you’re a fan of cooking or not, you will need to be cooking to keep yourself alive. So how about, rather than cooking the same boring pasta or casserole, you try a new recipe that everyone in the family wants to try! Choose something easy to make with the supplies available, and you’ll be good to go. Cooking will keep you busy, while a full stomach will keep you, and anyone you are self-isolating with, happy.

15-   Binge-watch a New Show:

Whether it’s our tight schedules, or lack of free hours at one time, watching a TV series in one go is nearly impossible, unless you stay up all night. However, self-isolation has left us with enough time to give in to our bingeing needs, and this would be the best time to start and finish a new TV show, without  being interrupted in the middle!

16-   Movie-time with the Family:

There’s nothing like a good movie to bring the family together without actually having to interact. Spread out the floor pillows, close the curtains, make popcorn, and put on a blockbuster movie to create a cozy home theatre. Pick a movie everyone will enjoy and let it keep everyone busy for a while.

17-   Pick up a Paint Brush:

Painting is universally known to be therapeutic and something you can indulge in to spend some time by yourself. You don’t have to be Picasso to pick up a paintbrush – you don’t even have to show it to anyone once you’re done. You can simply paint to relax. Let your hand take the lead and get your creative juices flowing. You may even find you have an undiscovered talent and be able to sell your art.

Worst case scenario, there’s always that window sill you keep meaning to give a fresh coat of paint.

18-  Learn How to Draw:

There are many mediums when it comes to creating art, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a paintbrush. You can learn how to draw while in self-isolation if you don’t already know how. Find a free online tutorial and don’t be limited to pencils – perhaps choose something different – pens, markers, charcoal, chalk or even color pencils. YouTube is full of help to get you started.

19-  Get Creative with DIY Craft Activities:

There are plenty of ways to get your creativity flowing. Perhaps this is the ideal time to take a look at your saved pins on Pinterest and engage in some DIY Activities. Make yourself a candle, up-cycle some old clothes, or, if you can get hold of some clay, try your luck at some pottery. DIY is an easy way to get the whole family involved and engaged while also having some fun. Have a search for some fun activities online and give them a go. You can try balloon animals, making slime, making play dough or search for “printables” – printable activity pages such as crosswords, sudoku,  mazes, coloring pages and more.

20-   Redecorate your House:

Is there a corner in your house that you’ve always wanted to look a certain way? Or maybe your room isn’t exactly how you want it to be. Redecorating around the house could be a good way for you and your family to stay busy. Use resources you already have, set up some lights, bring in a plant from outside, paint a wall or even a whole room. There are plenty of ways to make your home look new again.

So that’s 20 more activities worth looking at while you are spending all this newfound time at home. We will offer another 20 tomorrow. Don’t forget to go to the top of the page and sign up for more information directly to your mailbox and share with family and friends.