Am I the only one who is getting tired? Tired of the daily Covid-19 updates. Tired of hearing how many new cases there are today. Tired of seeing how many people are in the hospital, the ICU and dying? Is there anything else going on in the world?

I must admit that I am relieved that the US election is over for most people. Can we please move on. I know that the American media is still overloading the airwaves with post election lawsuits and all that other nonsense but here in the Great White North, we seem to have realized that Joe Biden is going to be the US president.

There was an interesting article that I read this morning from Forbes magazine about the future of education and how the pandemic is forcing some long needed changes to the entire education system. Something that I have long espoused – LIFE LONG LEARNING – seems to be becoming a thing… finally. The old musty ivory towers of higher learning are realizing that people do not need to physically attend classrooms for a set period of time that suits the school but rather, they can learn when and where they want to, based on the student’s needs. Yeah. Schools of all levels never did understand who the “customer” was. Perhaps they will begin to recreate themselves in the image of their market.

Business, government and industry are beginning to understand that people can not only work from home, but learn from home, They seem to be embracing the concept that a degree earned 10 years ago needs to be constantly upgraded in order for the employee and the organization to keep moving forward. I really hope that these changes become a permanent part of our society. Perhaps an old fart like me can now begin to embrace this digital age and learn a few new tricks.

Wear your mask!